Gigawatt Moçambique, in partnership with ZZ Design, trained a group of 15 young people from the Ressano Garcia community.
Lateorke, in partnership with Gigawatt Moçambique, trained 15 youth from the Ressano Garcia community, on maintenance management.
Gigawatt Mozambique, in partnership with various entities, organized a fair called “Running for education”, with the purpose to generate awareness about the importance of Education in Ressano Garcia.
Lateorke, in partnership with Gigawatt Moçambique, trained 15 youth from the Ressano Garcia community, on stock and warehouse management.
Gigawatt Moçambique promoted an initiative to bring family members of its employees to visit the power plant.
Above Moçambique, in partnership, with Gigawatt Moçambique, trained a group of 20 young people from the Ressano Garcia community.